Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Exer no.1 (WORD REVERSER )

//Final Exercises


Programmer    : Dandy A. Macaubos
ProgramName: Word Reverser 
Purpose            : To make a program that will  print  out  word  that  will be reverse  in it's  original order.
Date                  : March 17,2009
Instructor        : Dony Dongiapon

public class reverse
  public static void main(String[] args)
  // The normal sentence that is going to be reversed.
  String words = "Go to the main menu";
  String reverse2="";
  String reverse = new StringBuffer(words).reverse().toString();
  String Word1=words.substring(words.indexOf(" "),words.length());
  reverse= new StringBuffer(Word1).reverse().toString();
  String Word2=words.substring(0,words.indexOf(" "));

  reverse2=new StringBuffer(Word2).reverse().toString();

  // Print the normal string

  System.out.println("Normal : " + words);

 // Print the string in reversed order
  System.out.println("Reverse: " +reverse2+ " "+reverse);

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