Sunday, February 8, 2009


/* Programmer : Dandy A. Macaubos

  Program name : Direct Clothing Case Study
  Date Started : February 7,2009
  Date Finished : February 8,2009
  Purpose : To give solution to direct clothing case study
  Instructor : Dony Dongiapon
  Subject : IT134

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ClothingTester{ 
 public static void main(String args[]){ 
 Scanner input= new Scanner(; 
 Shirt myShirt=new Shirt();
 System.out.println("Welcome:\n\n Direct Clothing!!\nPlease Choose on our Catalog?");
 Scanner input= new Scanner(; 
 System.out.println("Do you have your choice ?"); 
 if (input=='y') 
 System.out.println("Enter ShirtID:"); 
 String ID=input.nextLine();
 System.out.println("Enter Price:"); 
 double cprice=input.nextDouble(); 
 System.out.println("Enter Color:"); 
 String ccolor=input.nextLine(); 
 System.out.println("Enter Quantity:"); 
 int cquantity=input.nextInt(); 
 System.out.println("Enter shirt Description:"); 
 String cdescription=input.nextLine(); 
 System.out.println("Shirt was chosen successfully.\n\n\t Thank You!!!");


public class Customer{


 private int customerid;
 private String name;
 private String address;
 private int phonenumber;
 private String emailaddress;


 public Customer(){


 public void customergreetings(String newname)


 public void customerprofile(String newname, int newid, String newaddress,int newphonenumber, String newemailaddress)
 System.out.println("Name: "+name+ "\nCustomer ID: "+customerid+"\nAddress:"+address+"\nPhone Number: "+phonenumber+"\nE-mail address: "+emailaddress);


public class Shirt {

 private String shirtID;
  private double price;
  private String color; 
 private int quantity;
  private String description;

 public Shirt(){ 
 public Shirt(String newshirtID,double newprice,String newcolor, int newquantity,String newdescription){ 


 shirtID= newshirtID; 
 color= newcolor; 
 public void setShirtID(String newshirtID){ 
 shirtID= newshirtID;
 public String getShirtID()
 return shirtID;
 public void setPrice(double newprice)
 public double getPrice()
 return price;
 public void setColor(String newcolor)
  color= newcolor;
 public String getColor()
  return color;
 public void setQuantity(int newquantity)
 public int getQuantity()
 return quantity;

 public void setDescription(String newdescription)
 public String getDescription()
 return description;
 public String removestock()
 System.out.println("The Shirt with an ID\t\s getShirtID()); 
 System.out.println("was successfully remove.Thank you!!!");

public class Order{ 
 // variable
 private String orderID; 
 private double totalprice; 
 private String status;
 public Order(){
 public void orderShirt(String neworderID,double newtotalorderprice,String newstatus)
 String orderID=neworderID;
 double totalorderprice=newtotalorderprice; 
 String status=newstatus;
 public void setOrderID(String neworderID)
 String orderID=neworderID;
 public String getOrderID()
 return orderID;

 public void setTotaltorderprice(double newtotalorderprice)
 double totalorderprice=newtotalorderprice;
 public double getTotaltorderprice()
 return totalorderprice;

 public void setStatus(String newstatus)
 String status=newstatus;
 public String getStatus()
 return status;


public class FormofPayment{ 

 private String checknumber; 
 private String cardnumber; 
 private String expirationDate;
 public FormofPayment(String check,String card,String date)

 public void setChecknumber(String check){

 public String getChecknumber(){
 return checknumber;
 public void setCardnumber(String card){ 

 public String getCardnumber(){ 

 return cardnumber;
 public void setExpirationdate(String date){ 

 public String getExpirationdate(){ 
 public void Dispalymessage()
 System.out.println("Your checknumber is:%s/nand checknumber is:%s");

 public class Catalog {
 public void displayCatalog(){ 
 System.out.println("ShirtID:252-22\nPrice:25,000\nColor:Black \nQuantity:5\nDescription:Beautiful"); 


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


/* Programmer : Dandy A. Macaubos
     Program name : Cube
     Date Started : February 4,2009
    Date Finished : February 4,2009
    Purpose : To have a program using encapsulation
    Instructor : Dony Dongiapon
    Subject : IT134

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
  public class Cube{

 private double width;
 private double height;
 private double lenght;
  public Cube(double wid, double heigh, double len)
  private Cube()
  public void SetDimension(double newwidth, double newheight, double newlength)
  private double volume(){
 return width*lenght*height;

  private double area(){
 return width*lenght;

  public String displayCube(){
 return String.format(volume()+" and "+area());

/* Programmer : Dandy A. Macaubos
     Program name : Cube
     Date Started : February 4,2009
     Date Finished : February 4,2009
     Purpose : To have a program that uses  encapsulation
     Instructor : Dony Dongiapon
     Subject : IT134

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class CubeTester{
  public static void main(String []args){

 double width;
 double height;
 double length;

 width=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter width value"));
 height=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the value of the height"));
 length=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the value of the length"));
